Art Zines
- Image Soup
- Quarterly zine dedicated to computer
artists and their work.
- basilisk
- A quarterly journal of film,
architecture, philosophy, literature, music, and perception.
- PaperMag
- art & culture mag
- @tlas
- art & photo mag
- . m A p .
- design mag - interface by BUA
- MindFlux
- MindVirus from Australia
- New York street zine
- Hot Lava Magazine
- LA street zine
- San Francisco street zine
- Art zine
- Photon Magazine
- Photo Zine
- System Zero
- Art Zine
- Enterzone
- Wierd zine
Alternative Thought Zines
- The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension
- Featuring the minds of Timothy Leary,
Terrence McKenna, Alan Watts, etc.
- Sound Photosynthesis
- Archive for the comming millennium
not really a zine but definately alternative thought
- An international, electronic review
of books on theory, technology and culture.
- Sumeria
- A loose orbit around the
concept of "alternative".
- Knossopolis - artsy philosophy
- Experimental/philosophy
- Mother Jones
- Zine
Web Literature
- The Millennial Project
- Colonizing the Galaxy in 8 Easy Steps.
- The Temporary Autonomous Zone
- Hakkim Bay's home
- Shakespeare
- Shakespeare's home
Tech Zines
- Mediamatic
- An international quarterly about the cultural
implications of new media
- HotWired
- The one and only
- c|net online
- Computer web pub
- The Net
- Zine about the web
- Technology Review
- MIT's mag
- Computer animation mag
- MacUser
- European Mac mag
Misc. Zines
- 21C
- The Magazine for the 21st Century.
- Crash Site
- Alternative Art, music, culture etc.
- SonicNet
- music, movies. tv, talk, etc.
- Nothingness.org
- Design, poetry, etc.
- Culturezone
- Web zine with a little shockwave.
- Women's Wire
- The online magazine for women
- Enternet Communications
- Influx Skateboard Magazine